Rox Does Yoga

Yoga, Wellness, and Life

About Me March 14, 2011

I’m Roxanne Halpine Ward, RYT, a writer, editor, and yogini living just outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I’ve been practicing yoga since 2003 and it’s become an integral part of my life. After wanting to become a yoga teacher for several years, I recently completed the teacher training program at East Eagle Yoga Studio in Havertown, Pennsylvania, a commitment of 200 hours over ten months (March-December 2011). In this blog, I’ve been chronicling my yoga teacher training journey, but now that I’ve graduated, the yoga won’t stop! I plan to continue writing regularly about yoga and wellness and to use this as my official yoga website. My yoga teaching schedule is now posted here, too.

Here are some testimonials about my yoga teaching:

  • “Roxanne’s Mellow Hatha Yoga is a great way to come back into my body after work! And don’t let the word “mellow” fool you.” (June 5, 2012)
  • “Rox rocks! That is, Roxanne Ward has just started a new yoga class–7:30 to 8:45 on Tuesdays at Wellness on Park in Swarthmore. I encourage everyone to build a wellness support team as close to home as possible. I have been waiting for this for a while and finally Logan and I had a taste. Its Vinyasa flow style and Roxanne seems to have the mind of an engineer so tiny adjustments in my poses during practice made a big difference. Logan said it was just what her body needed–that means it must be great. My goal is to get Roxanne teaching at Borough Hall in Rutledge, right in my backyard. Almost there!” (October 2, 2013)
  • I want to thank Roxanne Halpine Ward! I wound up with a wonderful gift this evening – a private one-on-one yoga class with her. This was wonderful. It gave a chance to ask questions, move at my own pace, get heard about what I can and cannot do, get reinforced that what I can do is great just where it is. What a wonderful blessing. I’m glad you all weren’t here tonight so I could have this treat. However, I highly recommend you come next week.” (RJ, January 28, 2014)

In my day job, I work as an editor in the field of medical publishing. My poetry has appeared in literary journals such as the Greensboro Review, Hawai’i Pacific Review, and Zoland, and my first poetry chapbook is now available from Seven Kitchens Press. To learn more about the Rox who writes and edits things, visit my other website:

My other hobbies (besides writing and yoga) include reading, cooking, playing video games, watching Doctor Who, and spending time with my husband F and baby daughter YB (YogaBaby). A lot of those things tend to find their way into this blog too.


2 Responses to “About Me”

  1. Jillian McKee Says:


    I’m contacting you in regards to I’d like to offer you a timely article focusing on the benefits yoga has to offer those battling various forms of cancer. My two passions are yoga and writing, hope I can share that with you. Please let me know if this is something that interests you. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Love & Light-


    • R. H. Ward Says:

      Dear Jillian, thank you for you note. Unfortunately, this is a personal blog and I do not publish articles written by other people. Best of luck and thanks for visiting.

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